Sunday, June 23, 2019


 Gonna flip a coin today to decide what this post will be about. Heads we'll talk about growing old. Tails we discuss just how fast you can fly a motorcycle past a county officer before getting stopped.

 Heads it is. It took several tries to flip that damn quarter and get it to land on the BSA seat and stay put. I've only had two wine coolers or fizzies or something like that, so I know thats not the problem.

 The other day the boss wanders into my work area like he owns the place, which I guess he does, and starts telling me about an old man outside. The old man is using a walker and doesn't move very fast but hes kinda like the energizer bunny and just keeps going. The boss went out to meet him and find out whats up and the guy just saw the Automower cutting our yard and had a few questions. Not questions like he was gonna buy one. Just curiosity questions. Well even energizer batteries get weak and eventually this old guy needs a rest. The boss offers him a seat on a nearby trailer bed and starts asking questions cuz something didn't seem right. Turns out this guy is on a mission. He wanted to walk to the gas station and buy a hot dog. Normally buying a gas station hot dog is a non-event. The interesting part is what that dog does to your digestive system and how fast it wants out. Anyway, the problem here is that our friend walked from the nursing home without telling anyone. I went online and measured and it would have been about 400 yards door to door if he took the shortest route. It must have taken him a long time at his pace. He was offered a ride and eventually accepted one provided he could stop for that hot dog. Unfortunately nurse Ratchet was hot on his trail and found him before we could get a vehicle over to him. I don't know if he ever got his hot dog.
 For me this event really messes with my head. One of the guys in the shop knows this guy. Hes lived a full active life as an independent responsible adult. He hasn't lost his mind and he can still kinda get around. It just seems sad to me that at some point something as simple as wanting to walk to the gas station for a hot dog won't be doable. I guess the lesson here is not to take youth and good health for granted.


1 comment:

  1. You are right, we should not take youth and good health for granted. My father died at 85 five years ago, he was a shadow of the vibrant strong man he once was.
