Sunday, September 2, 2018

Station Wagons

  Now that I've replaced the old Dodge pickup the plan has been to give our Subaru Outback to one of our daughters. Before that could happen, one last repair had to be done. The car had a warped rotor and shook pretty bad during braking so I decided to do a front brake pad/rotor replacement. It was a simple job and if you've ever done it then you know that the caliper pistons have to be pushed back into their bores. I was lazy and grabbed two of the tools laying nearby and accomplished the task without a clamp or special tool. Git r done.

 Happy camper Kenzo. I heard some talk about strapping a kayak on the roof and other "outdoorsie" type activities. That car is hyped up as a yuppie recreational get away vehicle. The closest I've ever come to using it like that is putting a beer cooler in the back.

 The Yukon has been running good. No issues found yet. We've decided its just a bigger version of the Outback and yes I had a beer cooler in it yesterday. It seems some truck owners get pissy if I call the Yukon a truck. Not sure what thats all about. If you look underneath its not much different and better in some ways if you look at things like gearing. Ack, its just a big station wagon.


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