Sunday, January 13, 2019

Nothing Interesting-Just The Facts

 I've been  listening to a lot of stand up comedy lately. From Larry the Cable Guy to classic Richard Pryor and everything in between but the funniest thing I heard this week came out of the mouth of a three year old and it happened right in my own dining room. "Excuse me Aunt Stacey, I'm hungry. Could you please stop talking so we can leave and go to dinner?" I'm not saying my wife has a big mouth, it was just funny hearing the little kid politely ask her to shut up. Poor kid was hungry.
 Yesterday my wife and I went bumming. She had heard of a place that sells used furniture and stuff and we were in the market for a big mirror. When we got there we found a big mirror that would work. In fact they had a two fer sale on mirrors but we weren't sure if they would fit in the big ass station wagon because I had all three rows of seats in it yet. We left without the mirrors and stopped at a flea market style store we passed earlier. Lots of cool old stuff but nothing we really needed. The next stop was about thirty miles up the interstate to a small shop we heard about. We picked up a bunch of painting supplies we'll need for our next room remodel. When we left the store I decided to look at the seating in the Yukon and discovered I could arrange the seats so they weren't folded all the way forward. This left a flat area big enough for a sheet of plywood. Back we went to the first shop for mirrors but not before stopping at an Amish store. At the Amish store we noticed something we hadn't seen in a long time. Maybe we just haven't been paying attention but at this store they sell milk in glass bottles that have a deposit.

 Anyway, we didn't buy any milk and continued on back to buy the mirrors. This place gets old hotel furniture to stock their store. Ya a lot of it looks out dated but most of it is very durable stuff and things like mirrors only look old if the person doing the looking is old. I'll let you think about that for a minute.
 We left with four mirrors. The big ones have a boring frame but beveled edges and are over six feet tall and three feet wide. The smaller ones have nicer frames, beveled edges and are about three by fourish. We paid less for these four mirrors than the smaller one we bought for our last bathroom remodel. Schwiiiiing! On a side note, these mirrors look older than they feel.
 Later that evening we went out for dinner at a nicer area restaurant. Good thing we went early cuz the place filled up fast. As usual, a good time was had by all.


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