Saturday, August 24, 2019

8 of 9

 Today is the second to last day of my annual bike trip to the Smokies.  The day started out before sunup and the first couple hundred miles were either very light fog or just overcast skies.  Decent enough riding weather, for sure. I made my once a year stop at Waffle House and took a chance their breakfast would stay down. There were no emergency bathroom stops, in fact the only stops I made were four splash and go fuel stops.  Not bad for a 600 mile day although my ass is a bit sore. Illinoiz is usually a suck ass ride but today the sun was shining and temps were in the upper seventies.  Just about perfect interstate conditions except for about a mile of construction that slowed me down.

 I pulled off in my usual spot for dinner and sleep. I used to just push it the whole 950 miles home but those days seem to be gone. Maybe a different seat would help but I don't think a comfy ass is the only factor in making a long safe journey.  Certainly staying hydrated and alert are more important and Harley doesn't seem to offer those accessories.


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